
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend of Jinnat, Allama Lahuti Pur Asaraari

Ubqari Magazine - January 2020

Simple treatment of white spots: By applying dry Jaman leafs by crushing 3 mashas with addition of 2 tolas butter upon white spots due to burning, removes these spots within few days.

Jinnat always make dangerous attacks

Jinnat do magic on each other, I have narrated it before also and have told you many happenings, observations and experiences in this regard, the bigger evil a person will be, the bigger will be his attack, the more powerful he will be, the attack by him will also be so powerful, and absolutely this is the situation with Jinnat, Jinnat always make dangerous attacks and such dangerous attacks that generations suffer and generations become worrisome, I will tell you a small happening, do give attention to this happening today. 

Journey upon particular ride of Jinnat and the darkness of night

Once, it was a long journey, I was travelling upon the particular ride of Jinnat, some other Jinnat were also sitting beside me, amongst which there were pious, saints, holy elderly, young, old, small and big and very big Jinnat also. There was darkness of night, the ride was travelling fast and the pleasant gathering was going on and Jinnat were telling about their experiences and observations. One Jin told his full of sorrow story. He said: I use to do business of cloth with a close relative Jin, our business was quite vast, we use to do this business with human beings, but we had not exposed ourselves to the human beings that we are Jin. Always we did business honestly and in a better way than human beings. We gave profit and we earned profit, this was continuing for years and years. 

Suddenly the intention of my partner Jin changed!

Suddenly my partner who was a close relative also, his intention changed, he started doing dishonesty in money matters, initially, I realized it, but I thought it is my mistake and misunderstanding, but within few days, the matter started increasing and increased so much that my realization also increased and I felt that there is some misappropriation going on somewhere and this matter has gone beyond my imagination, once I made my relative attentive towards it, he became angry and said that do you think I am dishonest, cheater, for so many years I have earned profit for you with trust and now have I become distrustful and a cheater, I got scared due to his harsh tone and scolding and became quiet, but my inside and heart was not satisfied and curiosity increased within me that there is something, there is misappropriation somewhere, where is it, how is it, but it is there, surely! Finally, one day I got some strange evidence with which it was clear that he was doing misappropriation with me and when I presented these proofs before him, he had no logic and could not refute, but, he started arguments and became furious. 

I will not let you live in peace

Finally, certain big trader Jinnat were involved and this state of affair was sorted out and it was decided that we will end our partnership and we will work separately, we separated, my investment was more, so I got more share, whereas he was adamant that he should be given equal share, but elders did justice. Going away, he told me that you have not given me much money, I will not let you live in peace, I did not pay much attention to this even though he had earned a lot of money and wealth by doing frauds and cheating but he did not realize it even one percent. I started my business, as my dealings were absolutely fair and I was honest in business dealings, so my business took off, but within some time, my head started becoming heavy, my nerves tense, my mind was blocked, my heart use to sink while sitting, my body started sweating, I was nosytic, all the strength from my arms and feet would drain out, there was shivering in my body and body use to be so drained out that I would want just to lie down, wanted to be alone, wanted that there should be darkness, no one should be around, thus similar was my situation, I thought that perhaps as we were two before, and now I am alone and all the load of business is upon me, therefore, I started doing medical treatment and taking medicines, rested, but my condition went on deteriorating, after some time, sickness started coming in my family and every member of my household became sick and worrisome, troubles, problems and pains went on increasing, I was getting more and more surrounded in these circumstances and then business losses started happening of which I had no expectation or realization and I became more stuck in this worry. 

Was it Noor (Divine light) of Darood Pak or was my good Intention

Once, I went off to sleep while reciting Darood e Pak which was my routine, perhaps it was Noor of Darood Pak or was my good intentions that I saw in my dream that the Jin was digging an old grave in a graveyard and was forcibly burying me in it alongwith some taveez, there were few puppets also resembling my looks and he was burying them too and was saying angrily that you have stopped me from having wealth, so I will see to it that how do you stay in peace and harmony, I will make life troublesome for you and your generations, I will ruin you, I will blow away your pieces in atmosphere, I will make you such that you turn into particles and then I will blow these particles also in air. I will ruin each and every moment of yours, I will make your generations to beg and become beggars in streets, fire was coming out of his mouth, there were flames of jealousy and hatred and revenge in his eyes, he was keep on saying and was burying puppets resembling me and taveezat also. I was worrisome that what has happened with me? 

Such a big deceive, fraud and such big revenge

Suddenly, I woke up, I was drenched in my sweat and was shivering due to the dreadful dream, my eyes were wide open that this Jin has done extreme magic upon me and is ruining everything of mine due to this magic. I was surprised that what a big deceive, fraud and such big revenge is being taken, I was worried that after this dream now I wanted its solution, from where shall I get the solution, and how, and from who ? I did not find anyone, but now I was searching that how this will be resolved? As my trouble was increasing and my problems were getting entangled and everyday some worry, pain was coming, I asked from a number of Jinnat from here and there that how this should be resolved and how much effort and tries shall be done, finally, a Jin met me and 

I told him about my sorrow, he was a practitioner and by hearing about my sorrow, he also got worrisome and said: Nothing to worry about, you only do this that you bring your used clothes to me, and your used old shoe and when you comb and the hear which fall, you bring those hair to me also. You just bring these few things to me and I will leave all my other work for 3 days and you come and sit by me, I will do certain acts myself and will tell you to do some acts which you have to do and then you yourself see your problems being solved before your eyes. I agreed to his advice as I knew about him that, he is an extremely sincere and truthful Jin, I packed my bags and went to him, I took some old clothes and some of my fallen hair and after taking all this, I went to him. I saw a strange way of his, it was that he made me sleep on such a cot which was knitted from leather, he said that this is leather of cow and skin of cow, it was leather of cow and cot was made of strips of the cow skin, he said that the one who will sleep on such cot, will never be effected by magic, Jinnat, evil effects and black evil spells. He made me lie on this cot continuously for three days and three nights. Gave me some recitation, he put my used clothes and my hair in front of me and then lit fire upon them from right and left and kept these things in between so that the fire cannot reach them and kept them in the middle so that fire does not reach them, I was sitting on the cot and it was his command that you will not come down from this cot.

Expert of breaking bigger and bigger spells of magic

He was an old practitioner who was an expert to finish the most extreme black magic spells, he was reading something and was continuously blowing air from his mouth on my hair and my clothes, in a little while I felt that my partner was standing and dancing upon my clothes and my hair and was blowing whistles happily, was pointing and was throwing tantrums that see, how have I started ruining you, what trick I thought of to ruin you, I have to ruin you day and night and nothing of yours is to be safe, have to keep you worried and have to ruin your every moment. Worriedly I was looking towards him. The Aamil (spiritual practitioner) Jin was quietly reading and he did not look here and there, in a little while this scene disappeared and I was amazed that actually this is the Jin which met me in my dream and he is happy, prosperous, the Aamil has not done anything to break his magic spell nor he has snatched away magic from him, being in a state of worry and looking further, I don’t know what happened to me that I tried to get off the cot, perhaps it was his magic that he wanted me to get away from the circle of protection of this cot, a sound of whistle did not let me get off the cot, this whistle sound was by the Aamil Jin Baba which made me realize that I must not get off the cot, in some time a smoke came out and when it dispersed, I saw that two black Jins were holding and brought my partner and were hitting him upon my clothes and hair, he was shouting, he was out of breath and his body was wounded and blood was coming out of it and he was worried.

Now tell why did you get black magic done upon him

They were continuously hitting him and were asking him that say, what is his fault and why have you done black magic on him and why have you done Jinnati blocking upon him, why have you decided to ruin his household, why have you blocked his health, heart and mind and his feelings, what enmity you have with him? What affair you have with him? After all why are you after him? He is an honest trader and you are a dishonest Jin, his intentions are clean, yours intentions are not good, both of the black Jinnat were hitting him also and were asking from him also, he could not give an answer except for shouting and yelling and being worried. I was looking all of this scene and a thought crossed my heart that I should ask the Aamil Baba to forgive this Jin, I only thought about it that again sound of whistle came and this sound of whistle was a hint that this Jin is not worthy of mercy, do not have mercy on him and he is not amongst such Jinnat that there should be peace in their lives, such are the ones who have decided to cause pain to other Jinnat, causing trouble for Jinnat and by looking at them in this state makes them happy, ruining of Jinnat is a source of happiness for them and a way of peace and harmony for them. These are the Jinnat whose life is just a mean of giving sorrow to others, finally I felt that my partner fell down, now Jinnat were kicking him, this scene vanished after some time. The Aamil Jin Baba was continuously busy in his recitation, after some time, he got up, clasped his hands and took a deep breath and look towards me in a peculiar way and said: Go Baba, your job is done, I have sorted out your enemy, have made him sick and have snatched away all his abilities of doing magic, now tell me, shall I kill him, I immediately said, no, and said, just do this much that he is not able to give me trouble.

Go and tie this enemy with stones

The Aamil Jin Baba laughed a loud and lifted some dust in his fist and spread it with force in the air, one particle of this became a big stone and then a storm of stones started moving in a direction and a voice came from within his laughter that go and tie this enemy in stones, he should stay with the stones, he should not get peace, nor harmony, nor vast means, who snatches peace and harmony from the pious Jinnat and wants to make his life peaceful, he is enemy of Jinnat and an enemy must be given the punishment for his enmity, it is necessary. I was looking at this scene while sitting in amazement and my astonishment was going on increasing. After all what is this? Finally, there was quietness and in this quietness, I was more worried, the Aamil got up and started to tell me: I do not need anything from you, I charge a big price but your spiritual secret and your way of trading has made me a fan of yours, go and trust Allah SWT, have faith and make your life a mean for further happiness, prosperity and peace for future, I am pleased with you, may Allah Pak also be pleased with you, your magic has ended from you and then by looking at me sweetly, he said: I have gone to the extent that from today onwards, no enemy will even put an evil eye on you and even if someone does, he will also be ruined, worrisome and will become useless (continued)

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